Developing strong and competitive businesses

We know that change is permanent: it is taking place in our markets as much as it is affecting our resources: it is everywhere in our environment and therefore acts within us. We need to consider our relationship with this ever-changing world in order to master and direct our transformation, and thus take full advantage of the opportunities offered by these changes.
We believe that the economic development of a territory depends on the energy of driving companies capable of responding to new needs and anticipating them whenever possible.
Finally, we are convinced that one of the strengths of these companies is their management, which is aware of the value of people. For it is first and foremost the human being that they serve, both through their production and as an economic player in their territory. This results in a certain entrepreneurial ethic that we wish to promote by example.

It is both a base that hosts distinct and complementary projects and a framework within which ambitious objectives are set, in order to put each company on the best trajectory, notably by setting up mechanisms to generate value and control its development.
EFINOR hosts and develops separate projects that are much more autonomous than subsidiaries within a traditional unified group.
EFINOR aims to consolidate performance and invests in its companies, as well as in initiatives at the project stage, always with the same ambition of bringing them to levels of expertise and viability that will enable them, in the long term, to change scale and take charge of their future.

It is both a foundation for distinct and complementary projects and a framework within which ambitious objectives are set, to put each company on the best trajectory, notably by putting in place mechanisms to generate value and control its development.
The EFINOR group has made a timely change in order to refocus on a fundamental objective: the use of the EFINOR group's heritage (experience, knowledge of the markets, networks and resources) in a dynamic refocused on the interests and individual objectives of the companies rather than on the growth of the group itself.
EFINOR undertakes to push each company independently towards a promising and consolidated future, and why not, to be at the origin of as many new groups as there were "strains"...
in the adventure?
Some visionary projects carried by motivated entrepreneurs deserve a combination of resources, timely contextualisation and the experience of industrial business management that EFINOR is ready to provide to create successful and driving companies.