
Did you know? (Re)discovering our know-how: industrial electronics

We take you to (re)discover our know-how through several articles #feuilleton.

For the history, the EFINOR group was built around a DNA which is the metal work. Through internal and external growth, our businesses have diversified and our subsidiaries have enriched their offer.

Our engineering, manufacturing and maintenance activities are mainly in the naval, oil & gas, environmental and industrial sectors, in France and abroad.

Our companies, experts and recognized in their fields, make it a point of honor to preserve the human dimension and to value the commitment of its employees.

Discovering industrial electronics

In the words of the National Industry Council: "Electronics is the essential industrial base for the production of digital equipment and systems. The electronics industries occupy a central place in the French industrial landscape and are at the heart of the digital transformation of our society."

Electronics in figures, still according to the National Council of Industry is :

  • 1100 companies
  • 230,000 direct and indirect jobs
  • 15 billion euros in sales
  • +90% of the companies are SMEs and VSEs (which is the case of our subsidiary EFINOR ENGINEERING ELEC.)

The EFINOR group offers solutions in terms of industrial electronics and prototyping in order to meet the primary objective of our customers, which is to contribute to the maintenance in operational conditions of their facilities through a personalized support to solve obsolescence problems.

Our teams operate in the design and production of analogue and digital electronic boards.

Our strength lies in our ability to intervene on all brands and all recent or obsolete systems.

Find out more about our know-how EFINOR ENGINEERING ELEC

Current news :

EFINOR Ingénierie & Process: our expertise in special machines, from design to commissioning


EFINOR to exhibit at SEANERGY